We know you want to buy a flat screen TV, but do not know if a plasma TV or LCD would be the best choice.This article explains the differences between the plasma compared to LCD TVs, then shows you how to get the best price for a plasma or LCD TV.Plasma TVsScreen of a plasma television is made up of millions of colored gas filled cells. When electricity passes through the cells that light up and produce an image.Plasma TVs have a much higher resolution than tube TV screens. In reality, the picture is so clear, it is almost like watching a scene through a window.The dimensions of the widescreen 42 "to 65" wide and are 3 "to 4" thick.LCD TVLCD (light crystal display) TV screens are made of a thin layer of liquid crystals sandwiched between two sheets of glass. When electricity is sent through the crystals an array of tiny color pixels light up to create an image.LCD TVs are thinner and lighter than plasma screens. Are most of your computer screen, and are rapidly gaining popularity as TV screens.LCD TVs are 1 / 4 "to 4" thick and 2 "to 65" wide.LCD or Plasma TV FeaturesImage QualityWhen it comes to what kind of TV screen is more sensitive and shows more detail, plasma TVs have a slight edge over LCD TVs, LCD TVs are catching up.Plasma TVs are also a bit 'better when it comes to viewing angle - how you can sit next to a television screen before the picture quality is concerned.Screen LifeThe life of the screen is the number of hours a television provides before the picture begins to fade. Plasma TVs have a screen life of about 30,000 to 60,00 hours, depending on the make and model, while LCD televisions have a screen life of 60,000 hours or more.Plasma TVs are also subject to "burn" This happens when a TV displays an image still long enough for a ghost image to burn into the screen. LCD TVs do not have this problem.HD TVBoth plasma and LCD TVs display HD (high definition), the signs of a sharper, more three dimensional picture. LCD TV, however, have a slightly higher resolution (more pixels on the screen), then plasma TVs.Video GamesPlasma and LCD are both great for video games, however, because of the tendency of a plasma TV screen burn in on an LCD TV is the best choice if you play many video games.PortabilityLCD TVs are thinner and lighter than plasma TVs, making it easier to move and easier to mount on a wall.LCD TV or Plasma TV PricesWhen it comes to what kind of TV gives you more for your money, depends on what you're looking for.If you're looking for - big screen TV - 42 "or larger plasma TVs are currently cheaper than LCD TVs of similar size. When I recently compared prices of 42-inch plasma TV cheapest was $ 999, while the cheapest LCD TV was $ 1367.When it comes to television, I could not find plasma TVs less than 42. "The cheapest 32" LCD TV I found was $ 619, while the cheapest 27 "LCD TV was $ 550.