This is the only guide I have ever seen that actually teaches u how to Scam. Scamming is “a scheme to cheat or defraud of money or property”. If someone tricks you into to giving them your money or part of your property, you have been scammed.
Remember: Every Scam has its drawback.
Common Scams and How to do Them:
Buying NX Scam:
Difficulty: Medium
Whats bad about it? People rarely buy NX from random people, and they mostly higher levels, which makes it harder for you to scam.
NX for 1:10 ratio, or look for someone buying NX. You will go to a random CC, and tell pay first. Once play first go the Trade Shop, or Cash Shop, and wait there for 10min or more. Read a book, do Homework, or do something atleast to kill time. Once its been a reasonable amount of time, exit out of the MTS, or CS. If they are not there, repeat the process and scam more. If they are still waiting, log off immediately.
It is recommended to do this with a Character with NX. This will help the buyer assume you actually have the NX, and will not scam.
If you somehow cannot get any NX, it is recommended to this on a higher level character. A NX Buyer will suspect a Lv20 Scamming than a Lv80.
If they refuse to pay first, just go back and find another person.
Some other ways u can do this, is when u actually have some NX. If the buyer is suspicious, he might say ill buy just 1k for 10m, to see if you scam. Once he has got teh 1knx ,and you have received your 10m, he will know that you are not a scammer. They will know now, and buy 15k nx. They trade you 150m, and you accept. Log off is the best thing to do now.
Steely 11m
Diffuclty: Very easy
Whats bad about it? Lots of Defame, can get boring, and if you are not careful, you could get ripped off. (11m for steelys)
This is the easiest Scam to perform. I have earned 60m in a few hours just by this scam. However, you will need atleast 11.11m to do it. The main idea of this is scam is to trick someone to selling you their steelys for 1.1m. Sounds impossible right? Wrong. Ill tell u how.
Steely 11m. You should get a trade request in this than 1min. The following conversation will probally happen:
Person: Steely for 11m
You: Yes
Person: Ok!
Next he puts a set of precious Steelys in, and you put 11,111,111 mesos. This is a hard number to read, and confuse the trader. Then, press trade very fast and then press cancel. Even if they pressed trade fast enough before u could cancel, you would have Max slots for your Use, so the Steely could never go in your inventory.If u did not have your Use inventory full, you have bought Steelys for 11.1m After that they will trade u again, most likely saying:
Person: WTF? Y u cancel?
You: You have to trade fast, its a game
Person: Oh, ok.
Repeat the same step above, putting in 11.1111m and canceling quickly. The person trades again, putting Steely in. Type in, Faster. Then repeat the same step again. Now here is when the scam comes in. Drop or Use a potion, or drop arrows or whatever. Next when they trade u, put in faster. THey will be intimated, and will want the 11m badly. Put 1,111,111 instead of the 11,111,111. See, one “1â³ less. Hard to read, especially when trading fast. They press trade fast, and u do to, without pressing cancel. The trick is, when you got rid of a Arrow or Potion, you emptied a Use slot, allowing the steely to be bought, an easy 3m profit!
When you drop a potion, and when you attempt the scam, and it fails. (meaning the person knows you traded 1.1m), you have to get another potion or something. So it is recommended you have something in the FM storage, or you are in a town like henesys, that has easy access to a potion shop.
It is recommended to do this on a mule character, as you will get LOTS of defame.
If the person doesn’t trade you back, trade then instead.
Once you have 22.222m, you can buy Ilbi for “22m” actually being 2.22m, its the exact same steps. And if your extremely lucky to find a stupid, but rich dude, you can buy Cilbis for 222m, actually 22m.
Item Copier
Difficulty: Very Hard
Whats bad about it? The hardest scam to perform, only unexperienced players will fall for this scam
First of all, this scam is the scam that the least amount of people fall for. I really wouldn’t recommended this scam, unless you wanted to have a lil’ fun with noobs.
Go to the FM, and start spamming, trade me for awesome trick! When a person trades you, accept, and tell him:
Person: Hey, whats the trick?
You: Ok, Nexon just left a little glitch that people can do. You can double your items now!
Person: Really? How?
You: Ok, put in a item worth 10m or more, or out in 10m. Next, press trade, but not OK, and type in copy items2*.
Person: Kk Wait
*Accepts Trade* Quickly press trade and yes, and you have earned yourself some $$$.
You can say, type in maplestory, copy my items, or anything that has a y. Y, stands for Yes.
Zakum Run Seller
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Whats so bad about it? Its hard for you to get to a high level to Zrun, atleast 120+. And of course, you will need a guild of 20 120s+ to kill Zak.
This scam is very common, but is relatively hard to do.
Zrun, whatever time, and once you get a trade request it should look like this:
Person: Hey, I’ll buy.
You: Ok sure, get 2xx melted cheese and and however amount of MP pots.
Person: Ok, so its ___ PM and Ill be there ___ k?
You: Yah
Person: So how much per Reg/VIP, resurrection, and when do i pay?
You: 35/50, resurrection is 3m each. Pay now so i can pay my guildies to Zak with me.
Person: *Puts 35m-50m*
You: Accept
Next whenever time it is, don’t go on, or just go to the FM, and ignore what he invites you, whispers you, etc. You have earned 35m fast.
You NEED a Lv120+. Somethings wrong if you are scamming Zruns with a Lv70.
Act nice, and don’t act like a scammer.
I don’t think there any. Something related though, is selling NONkarmaed zhelms. Get them karmaed, and don’t sell them.
Difficulty: Easy-(Very Hard getting to the level, easy when at the level)
Leech at Skeles, Harps, WS, whatever. Someone trades and:
Person: Hey I’d like to buy.
You: Sure, what time?
Person: How about at the 2x exp event today from 2-4pst?
You: Sure, do you have a 2x card?
Person: Yes, and when do i pay/how much?
You: XXm/hour and now please since i need to buy my pots.
Person: Puts in XXm mesos and accepts trade. Accept fast, and go to “Act like” you are going to buy MP pots. When the time when it’s time to leech them, don’t. Just play on a mule, log off, read, do homework, play sports, etc.
It is preferably better to have a bishop instead of a Arch Mage, just cause people prefer Bishops due to their Genesis.
You can sell leech if you are a Lv135+ Hero. You can BF leech at a rate of 8-10m per kill. Same thing just ignore and don’t leech.