Apple announced that the phones in the iPad will be available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom on 28 May. Apple also plans to launch the phones in the iPad in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore in July. As for the prices in the UK: For models that contain Wifi, the price is 429 499 599 pounds sterling. For the models containing 3G which will be available on May 28, the price is 529 599 699 pounds. As for the prices in euros: The iPad phone the capacity of 16 GB and 499 euro price tag is Wifi IPad phone and the capacity of 32 GB and 599 euro price tag is Wifi IPad phone and the capacity of 64 GB and Wifi price tag is 699 euros The existing models of 3G is increased 100 euros on the price of the device.