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AT&T now allowing iPhone VoIP calls over 3G

Posted by yaso Tuesday, October 13, 2009

by Tmyphone: AT&T's restrictive network policies might have been behind some of the more notable iPhone app rejections in the past, but at least one major class of applications just got the green light, as Ma Bell just opened up iPhone VoIP calls over 3G. We can only assume this is the result of the FCC's renewed push for net neutrality and AT&T's argument that it's doesn't need new regulations to remain open, but -- what does this mean for you? Well, Skype on the road, for starters, but we're guessing a flood of interesting new VoIP apps will hit just as soon as devs can get their apps updated and submitted. We'll see how pushing all this more data affects AT&T's network going forward -- we're totally starting a SlingPlayer petition drive if things don't totally blow up..


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